Saturday, August 14, 2010

150yrs of Copper continued

Tutworkers and Tributers exhibition opening was very successful with numbers of locals, visitors and artists enjoying a wine and nibbles talking about Art, life and people.

About 40 people converged on this small rarely full gallery at Moonta which gave a glisten to Pamela's eyes especially when red dots went up.

My varied style of etchings recieved the most interest, people love knowing about the people of our past. The historical canvas artworks raised interest from teachers and arts related visitors who were enthralled with my textured techniques.

Graham Hancock gave an interesting speech about my past exploits and conserving the heritage of Moonta and Burra.

Everyone was delighted to be given a commemorative postcard.

The highlight for me was to see Daryl Parker at the opening. Daryl did all the ground work to enable this wonderful Town Hall building in Moonta to transform into the wonderful gallery it is today.

After an exhausting day, and a sleep in I had a few days break to catch up on the dreaded tax bill etc.

Then back to the drawing board to plan the next venture, catch up on what is happening out there and email friends. I did enjoy a day of whiting fishing, that clears the brain.

I drove to Kadina also to follow my family history again, found out a great uncle was a criminal and also found Jeruselum where my grandmother lived when she first married. Liz Coole at the family history group is a woman after my own heart, she gets the same buzz I do when you find out something new. She knows the history, the people, the living and the dead.
The building School of Mines is a wonderful setting for the group to work from.

Raining, cold and windy. Cuppa time so will post more in a few days.

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